A wedding is lived 3 times: when you dream about it, while celebrating it and when remembering it.
We firmly believe that your wedding is one of the most incredible moments of your life and, what a better way to live a breath-taking experience?
Whether you are a foreign couple looking to get married in the magical country of Spain or a couple looking to venture out and celebrate a big wedding in a foreign destination, we are here to fulfill your dreams.
We will be happy to help you with the production of your wedding in an easy and efficient way, always working together with the best professionals in the sector!
Budget creation
Selection of special locations and negotiations.
Hotel reservations and group travel
Travel planning, hospitality and counseling services
Entertainment and artist recruitment
Catering and menu selection.
Coordination on the wedding day
Counseling for international marriage certificates
Decoration and custom design
Invitation design and printing
Floral design
Design and implementation of sound, lighting and audiovisuals